Online Interior Design School by Alycia Wicker

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Explode Your Email List Growth When You Create Free Resources

The growth of an email list can be accelerated when you create a free resource for your audience that will help them do something that they've been struggling with or want to learn more about.

Asking someone to subscribe to your email list without offering anything in return is a tough sell. Obviously, they want something in return for sharing access to their precious inbox. That's why when you create free resources and use those as a bonus in exchange for signing up for your email list is a stellar idea!

And note that I said it is a BONUS. Because of GDPR, you need to make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that someone is signing up for your email list and the free resource is a gift. Make that clear in the text of your sign-up form.

Example: Subscribe to my newsletter and get your free worksheets, as my gift to you!

Why Some Free Resources Suck

The success of the free resource that you create will depend majorly on your audience and how they like to consume content. Some people like to read, some like to watch videos, some like to do worksheets, some like quizzes.

Knowing which freebie will do best for growing your email list on your website will come down to knowing what type of content your audience generally likes and digging into your analytics to see if you can find a trend of what content does better.

You should see which of your content is the most popular and if there's an additional resource that would help them. If you don't have a lot of data to go off of, then look to your niche to see what's popular.

If you're a holistic interior designer you could head over to Pinterest to see if you can get some ideas that may inspire you to create a healthy holistic home checklist or a guide to non-toxic living.

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Typical free resources that you can create are:

  • eBooks

  • Worksheets

  • Videos

  • Mini Courses

  • Quizzes

The best way to start your brainstorming process is to figure out what is one of the first steps that you can help them solve that would also be apart of your process when working with a client.

For instance, working with a design client you'll want to know how much their budget is. Problem is that most people don't really know the answer to this. They may have an idea, but not really aware of how much things cost and you can help them by creating a free resource that gives the low, middle and high budgets for a room/home and a worksheet for them to begin their own budgeting process.

Of course, we know there are so many variants, but giving them a starting point will make sure you both are on the same page when it comes to budgeting. That also lays the foundation for your work together should they hire you later on.

Knowing the problems that your audience is struggling with is how then you can provide value to them through your free resource, but if you're not sure you may need to survey their audience and as them:

What is your biggest struggle when it comes to (doing whatever YOU do like decorating AirBNBs, etc.)?

Also think about their struggle in terms of emotions, time, money, experiences and knowledge.

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How Long Should You Make Your Free Resource

Your freebie shouldn't be too long. If you make a PDF to download, then 3-5 pages should do. If you create a video, then 20 minutes will do.

The length should be as long as it needs to be to get them a result - but remember this should be a QUICK win for them.

Where Should You Put A Freebie Sign Up? 

Place that signup form in TONS of places on your website because you want to make it easy for people to sign up.

Some spots to consider:

  • On your home page

  • On your About page

  • On its own landing page

  • At the bottom of every blog post

  • Within the body of a blog post

  • In the sidebar

  • In the footer of your website

How Do You Deliver Your Free Resource?

Depending on the email service that you use, they will tell you how they work things in their system. For instance, if you are offering a PDF you may need to host that file somewhere else and direct your subscriber to download it from your website or Dropbox.

If you choose to do a 5-day email series, that will be an automated drip sequence that you may or may not have to pay extra for the option.

If you choose to create a video, you can upload an Unlisted video to YouTube or elsewhere like Vimeo and direct your subscriber to that link in your welcome email.

If you are going to host a live webinar type event, you can create an Unlisted Live Stream on Youtube, then direct your subscribers to that link.

Create A Free Resource That's Something You Could Charge For

The best free resources that you will create are something that you could charge for. That's how valuable you need to think about the freebie that you create.

Whatever it is that you choose to create make it a priority to get it done with a goal that you'll eventually be attracting 100 subscribers per day to your email list.

I know that might seem like a big goal, but when you're on a mission to help others and they love you right back for it, this will become a goal that you'll be so proud of yourself for accomplishing it. And your business will thank you, too!

Hola!👋I'm Alycia. I help eDesigners land dream clients + get profitable with smart online marketing methods. Want in on the only membership group that will help you get organized, get visible AF, and get majorly PROFITABLE? Hell yes, you do. Follow me.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.

Disclaimer: The Blog posts contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will earn a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only recommend products and services that I have found to be helpful and trustworthy. For more information, see my terms + conditions page here. Thanks for your support.

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