Online Interior Design School by Alycia Wicker

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The Secret To Create Unique Content People Love

There's a secret when it comes to setting the goal to create unique content that people love and share.

And we know it's not an easy thing to do.

Find Your Voice + Let Your Personality Shine

Your voice is unique to you and it's important that you share it. But finding your voice can be harder than opening a box of macaroni and cheese on their little blue "easy-open" tab.

First, figure out who you're talking to. If you're talking to a business person, then you're going to take a more formal tone than if you're writing to a regular person.

My favorite tip to share when it comes to nailing the ability to let your personality shine is to dictate your blog post like you are talking to your best friend.

When you look at your blog post as an "email" or "note" to one of your besties, you'll find it easier to let your personality come through.

Share Things Others Aren't Sharing

There's a lot of the "same old same old" out there in the blogosphere. You'll find people with the same opinion on something and sharing opinions/advice that you disagree with.

That's the stuff you want to share. It's okay to disagree with people and share what you believe in or think is a better way to achieve a result.

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Ask Your Audience What They'd Like To See

Your audience knows what they like, so take the opportunity to ask your audience what kind of content they'd like to see more of.

They may come up with new topics or ideas that hadn't crossed your mind.

Also, take a look at what people are searching for when they land on your website. That will also give you clues as to what you should create.

Write For People, Not Search Engines

Search Engines are smart enough to figure out variations of your keyword phrase. So when it comes to creating unique content you don't have to feel the need to stick to the exact phrase you're targeting.

For an example the keyword phrase I am using here is "create unique content," but when I used a variant of that in my last sentence "creating unique content" search engines still count that as use of the same keyword phrase.

Writing for people always trumps writing for an exact keyword phrase that may not work when we write how people speak.

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Solve Problems + Focus On Results

When it comes to content that people love to click on, you can bet your sweet bippy that if you have a way to save your audience time, money or from making a mistake people will eat that up.

Save $X,000 On Your Next Living Room Makeover is a title that will get someone to click. Your job is to follow up that title with amazing content that is helpful and entertaining, because boring doesn't do it.

Trends Aren't Worth Copying

We know trends in interior design happen all the time and I'm not saying you must ignore them, but make the bulk of your content evergreen.

And should you ever be tempted to copy what someone else has created, who appears to be more successful, doesn't mean that that type of content will work as successfully as it did for them.

The ideas that you come up with will probably more interesting that the stale content you might find everywhere.

Creating Unique Content Doesn't Have To Be Hard

Seriously, if you can take the time to create unique content that is well researched and has your personality splashed all over it, you'll stand out in a saturated market. No doubt.

Hola!👋I'm Alycia. I help eDesigners land dream clients + get profitable with smart online marketing methods. Want in on the only membership group that will help you get organized, get visible AF, and get majorly PROFITABLE? Hell yes, you do. Follow me.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.

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