Online Interior Design School by Alycia Wicker

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How Interior Design Bloggers Make Money

Who doesn't want to know how interior design bloggers make money? I think that's one of the biggest questions that I get asked all of the time.

Because no one starts an interior design blog just to spend hours creating content that no one looks at ever, right?

Multiple Income Streams Are How Interior Design Bloggers Make Money

It is important to know that you should consider having multiple streams of income from the very beginning of your foray into the wonderful world of blogging and design.

It's never smart to rely simply upon ads or design work or affiliate marketing income. Some months can be dismal while some months can be amazing in terms of earning money, because making money as a business owner means consistency of income can be hard to find.

Website Ads

You can start with Google Adsense to make money. You can sign up with them before you even have an audience from your website, but know that you may only make one red cent. When you start to get more traffic to your website, you will start to make more money.

The thing to know about website ads is that the money you make is dependent on people coming to your website, viewing the ads and clicking on the ads.

Plus, you may need to reach certain payout thresholds to even get a payout every month.

And know that your ad income is inconsistent... especially when the algorithm changes and your traffic takes a dip while the nerds at Google tinker.

The other thing to think about is how many ads do you want placed on your website? Your user experience is very important to consider and if they show up to a website that has too many ads, people likely are going to bounce (aka leave yourwebsite) and you will continue to make no ad money.

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Affiliate Marketing

When you sign up to become an affiliate you could make money when someone purchases something that you recommend. Whether you sign up with Amazon or Etsy or ShareASale... there's tons of options out there in the affiliate marketing realm.

The percentage of income you'll make off products will tend to be under 5% and this is why website traffic is so important! You need lots of eyeballs to start seeing some real income from affiliate marketing income.

Depending on the affiliate you're working with, they may have a payment threshold before they send you an money and it may not be likely that you'll consistently make affiliate sales. If you need to meet a $100 threshold and only made $10... you'll probably need to wait until the next payout point and the payout date (which is usually monthly).

Make sure that when you choose to become an affiliate for a company that you use their product, as well as like and trust them. Your credibility can go down the toilet in a New York minute if you pair up with a company that has a horrible product.

Oh, and never dilly dally should you need to break up with an affiliate for whatever reason. If their business is going in a direction that you don't like or they don't value what you bring to the table, cease to work with them.

Grow A YouTube Channel

You can become a YouTuber extraordinaire. There's not a ton of interior design content on YouTube and that means that if you can bring something fun and entertaining to their platform, you could monetize your channel.

However, it's not easy to get monetized. As of now you need at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours until you get monetized. And even when you hit that first goal, you will need to get eyeballs watching your content. Because unlike your email list, eyeballs, not subscribers matter when it comes to getting paid on Youtube.

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Paid Products or Courses

Maybe you love to teach and share your unique way of designing or planning spaces. It can be as simple as creating a printable product for immediate download. You can also create a course online or start a membership community.

However you choose to go about creating paid products, know that you can start with one and make as many as you want. Try to think of all the stages your clients may be at when they come to you... just thinking about or beginning a project to putting the final touches in. Creating paid products for every step of their journey is something you may want to consider leaving limited spots for one-on-one design projects for your higher end clientele.

eDesign Services

Your eDesign services go into the mix because you've started a design blog as a means to get eDesign clients, right? But you only have so many hours in a day meaning you can only work with a limited amount of clients unless you decide to take on additional staff and that the headaches that go with that.

The other thing to recognize with eDesign services is that you're serving a clientele that already likes to do things themselves, so why not capitalize on their get-it-done way of life by working on offering those other paid options I mentioned above?

But here's the most important this to remember about how interior design bloggers make money:

The reason most interior designers create a blog isn't to be a content creators, but to attract interior design clients. Make sure that every piece of blog content that you create on your website is essentially an advertisement for your paid offerings which may be a digital product, a virtual consultation or a design project.

Hola!👋I'm Alycia. I help eDesigners land dream clients + get profitable with smart online marketing methods. Want in on the only membership group that will help you get organized, get visible AF, and get majorly PROFITABLE? Hell yes, you do. Follow me.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.

Disclaimer: The Blog posts contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will earn a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only recommend products and services that I have found to be helpful and trustworthy. For more information, see my terms + conditions page here. Thanks for your support.

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