Online Interior Design School by Alycia Wicker

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5 Tips For Setting Goals

Setting goals is the easy part, but achieving them is a lot harder. Today I'm giving you tips for setting goals that you'll actually achieve.

Write Goals Down

Put paper to pen and write what goals you have. During this process of getting all of these thoughts out of your mind and onto the paper, you may find that you've got some duplicate goals or something that is another step in the process for achieving a goal.

Clarity is key here to achiving the goals you set.

Set A Start Date

Choose a day to start working on your goals and make note of it. With any goal that you're trying to achieve, knowing when you started working towards it and seeing your progress along the way will do wonders for self-esteem.

Make A List + Check It Twice

Make a list of goals and see how you can will go about achieving that goal.

Like in regular everyday life, if you want to lose 10 pounds you would then say you need to eat less/better and workout. You'd set a schedule for the workouts and a shopping list for the healthier foods.

Same for your business goals.

If you have a goal of building a website, then you'd look at all the steps you need to take to achieve that goal which would start with deciding on a platform, the pages you want on the site, how you want it to look, etc.

Knowing the steps to achieve the goal makes it easier to achieve.

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Reaching Your Goal

If you don't have a way to know if you reached your goal, how can you celebrate and make a new goal for yourself?

Each goal you have must be measurable in some way. If the goal was losing ten pounds, we would know by the number reflected on the scale to tell us how close we are to reaching the goal.

If you want to increase pageviews on your website, then you need a way to measure your goals. Install Google Analytics, watch your pageviews grow as you work to achieve whatever your goal number of pageviews is.

Set A End Date

While you've set a way to measure if you've achieved your goal you need to add an end date. If you don't set an end date, all you've got is a never-ending project and you can celebrate your wins!

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Secret To Get Excited About Setting New Goals

There's nothing more exciting that to see your progress and work with that as a motivator. Look back at the past accomplishments.

The important thing here to put on your list is anything that you're proud of yourself for getting it done.

Seriously, if you're an introvert and you made your first social media post about your business - pat yourself on the back! That's an accomplishment. Your next goal may then be to grow your followers to 100 people.

Never measure your goals to someone else. You are running your own race. When you compare yourself to someone else, you both are in the middle of some race - but the races are on two different tracks. You feel me?

When We're Talking About Tips For Setting Goals... Don't Forget To Put In The Work

The reason so many people join a gym in January and quit a couple months later is because it's not the act of setting the goal that matters as much as putting in the work.

Working towards your goal is the important thing and even IF you follow these tips for setting goals and you miss hitting your goal... keep going!

Hola!👋I'm Alycia. I help eDesigners land dream clients + get profitable with smart online marketing methods. Want in on the only membership group that will help you get organized, get visible AF, and get majorly PROFITABLE? Hell yes, you do. Follow me.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.

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