If you want an eDesign business that’s as rich, stylish and seductive as Elvis Presley gyrating on stage in front of thousands of screaming fans, you’re in the right place.

alycia on phone

Hola, I’m Alycia Wicker and I’m here to make your eDesign business hotter than Elvis in a bedazzled jumpsuit in July (read: super fucking hot).

Yep, it’s true: You and Elvis have something in common. Namely, you both have people clamoring for a chance to work with you (or, y’know, grab your junk).

...Or you will by the time I’m done with you.

As a certified interior-turned-interior eDesigner business coach with over 22 years in the eDesign biz world, I know how to create an appealing + money-making interior design biz online.

The truth is that you can be an amazing designer, but STILL not be able to “make it”.

You can put in serious work (and drink LOTS of super fatty lattes) but STILL struggle for months + even years to learn all the “secrets” of running a successful interior design business.

Girlfriend, first of all, if you relate to any of that: DON’T SWEAT IT.

Because years ago I was you.

Finding success took longer than I had anticipated. And I repeatedly asked other designers to help me, to show me what they were doing in their businesses to find success. You know how that request goes. Radio silence.

So, I was up shit-creek without a paddle and had to figure it out on my own. And that's why I'm where I am today. I became the person I wished existed back when I needed help growing my design business.

I know that interior designers have such unique businesses that not just any guru out there gets it.

And let's be honest... some of these "gurus" are full of shit while being pretty snobby. And I don't do fluffy strategy or that snobby shit.

I guide peeps, like you, to get your business to the spot you’ve dreamed about ever since you began this journey into this crazy world of entrepreneurship.

As a certified interior designer turned business coach with over 22 years in the online interior design business world, I know how to grow and scale an appealing + money-making business.

I get calls from new clients every day - seriously - every day! She knows what she is talking about and if YOU do what she says, it will work.
— Kathleen Jennison

A Few Fucking Cool Reasons You’re Gonna Want Me On Your Side:

: I have 24 years experience as an interior designer and have run multiple, successful online businesses since 2009. So yeah. There’s that.

: I’ve been a student of online marketing and SEO ever since Al Gore invented the Internet..but I’ve been a “professional” since 2012. (Yeah...I use the term loosely.)

: I’m totally turned on (in an all-business way) by working with other creative people to weave their uniqueness into their business brand. ‘Cause I believe you can have an online space that’s both professional and bursting with personality.

: I walk my talk. Case-in-point? My personality is totes alllll over this damn fucking beautiful website. Rawr!

: My word is my bond. If I say I’m gonna do it, I do it. No if’s, and’s or cigarette butt’s.

More About Moi? Well Wouldn’t You Like to Know...

: If Juno Macguff and Jeff Lewis had a love child, I'd totally be it. I'm sarcastic, funny and 150% reliable.

: Not-so-guilty pleasures include lotsa TV. Ghost Adventures first + foremost, and after that I’m a Real Housewives junkie. Also love me some Dateline, Shark Tank, I Am A Killer (I know, murder and business? Yep, that’s me), The Profit, and the Holzer Files,..need I go on?

: I'm obsessed with celebrity gossip. What about it?

: I love Elvis. He’s my #1 boyfriend. Don’t worry - my husband knows.

So, how do you get started?

I’ve got shit-tons of resources to help you get started but you’ve got to know going in, that this is hard work. You will have to dedicate yourself to this process by showing up and constantly taking action EVEN IF you’re not sure if it’s the “right” next step.   

  1. Grab your free creative business road map when you subscribe to my newsletter. You can sign up at the bottom of this page.

  2. Read my blog posts. I’ve been blogging for years about eDesign where you’ll find valuable business nuggets within the blog posts.  

  3. Need more help?  If you still find yourself lost after reviewing the good stuff above and you’d like to get a little extra guidance… book a one-on-one strategy session with me (which is not cheap, but personalized to your business) OR join the Society. It’s way cheaper than an hour of my time, and you’ll get so much good stuff, it will blow your mind. Click the button below to explore that option.

What People Are Saying


“There is no way I would have gone through it all without you, your blog and your Society!”

— Alex Ganipeau

You truly have given me the tools I need to have a successful interior design biz and I thank you a million times over!”

— Leigh Vigil


“She is the one stop place to make your business a success online

— Alejandra Canales

“Alycia made me realize my dreams had potential to become a reality.”

— Claire B.

I help online interior design professionals implement smart business strategies so they can land more clients and make more cash. Period.

Join Me In The Society

The powerful, life-and-business changing (yes, really!) society for interior designers that screams “You can have it all—you just have to know how,” at the top of its lungs. (It also whispers: and maybe it’s time to admit that what you’ve been doing isn’t quite working.)