

I appreciate your interest, but I'm not looking for sponsored or paid posts NOR am I interested in participating in any kind of telesummit thing that will "increase my exposure" NOR am I interested in growing my social media following. And there's no need to send me your latest greatest post/infographic/blog post/etc. Your message will be ignored and end up in the trash. If you continue to send emails asking why I haven’t responded, I will mark your email spam.

Looking For Something Specific? 

Just Starting Your Design Business?

If you are just starting your design business and have no clue where to start, I'd suggest you get your butt in the Society. Seriously, for the price, you will get instant access to a course called Designer DNA that will teach you practically everything you need to get started.


You can read all the legal nitty gritty if you please, or for the quick and dirty version... there are no refunds on digital products or membership programs. Please read before you buy.

Still got a question?

As much as I'd love to respond to every single email I receive, I don't provide free business advice or tech support via email. I do offer one-on-one consulting where I can help you with your business if you need specific strategy for your residential online interior design business. 


If the words on this page haven't answered your question... send me an email: