Curating Astrological Room Decor For Clients

Astrology is the study of patterns and relationships where people fall into specific categories according to when they were born. Astrology gives us clues to what makes us tick, what we're attracted to, who is attracted to us, and what life lessons we need to learn. The Zodiac signs and other clues found in your natal chart, also known as your birth chart, will give you a deeper understanding of a person's personality.

Decorating For Zodiac Signs 

When it comes to decorating for a zodiac sign, it can become a fun an easy way to stand out in a saturated market. And you don't have to become an astrologer in the process.

What I love about astrology and decorating (and I am by no means an expert on it) is that you can use that information from your clients to get a head start on their design. We're not here to become astrology experts. We're here to start the journey so you can become more aware of how the natal chart can tell you more about someone's personality so you can create a design authentic to your clients. 

You'll be able to glean information about their personality and what is important to them that will help you to create a room that they truly feel at home in.

How Decorating For Zodiac Signs Works

It starts with a chart. Or many charts depending on how many people live in your client's home. Just as you'd like to know how your clients use their home and who lives in the home, you need to know information on everyone. The same goes for getting the charts.

You can find many websites, like, to get a free Natal Chart. You will need the birth date, the time of birth, and where the person was born to get a chart. 

So what is a natal chart? It's a snapshot of the solar system at the exact time a person was born. The pattern of the planets in the sky gives you an overview of a person's strengths, their challenges, and their purpose here in a general sense. 

Once you have the chart you will be able to get a general idea about your clients.

Here's the thing about astrological room decor I believe: I don't think simply using a client's Sun Sign is enough.

What most people refer to when they are talking with each other is their “Sun sign.” Saying that you’re a “Cancer” limits describing who you truly are.

I think you need to look at three signs: the Sun, Moon, and Rising (aka Ascendant) to form a complete snapshot of your client.

Sun Sign

Your Sun Sign tells us where the Sun was on the day you were born and it symbolizes your basic personality. It represents the fundamental essence of a person. 

Moon Sign

Your Moon Sign tells us where the Moon was at the time you were born and this symbolizes your inner emotional landscape. It represents emotional needs and what you need.

Rising Sign

Your Rising Sign is a point on your chart that is based on the exact time you were born and the angle of the Sun over the horizon. 

Your Rising Sign is how you show up in the world and the first impression that most people get of you before they get to know the real you. It’s the self you show to the world.

Creating An Astrological Decorating Dossier

When you take these three areas of information you can then come up with a Zodiac decorating profile that will be fairly accurate.

Here's the basic rundown of how you could look at pulling this all together.

Let's use for this astrological room decor example:

  • Sun Sign: Capricorn

  • Moon Sign: Pisces

  • Rising Sign: Sagittarius

The Sun sign is Capricorn and they tend to prefer traditional design elements, high-quality furniture, and an earthy feel. Earthy colors, indigo, grey, black.

The Moon sign of Pisces is the "I believe" feeling aspect. Very mystical, spiritual, intuitive people. If you look back on the chart, you can see that they tend to want to stay in their mind, be an escapist. They need alone time. So that's very important, so you need to make sure you pay attention to that. 

Then the Rising sign, in this example, Sagittarius, the functional aspect of the home. So Sagittarius, they need open space. They need intellectual stimulation, old furniture, fireplaces, maybe you're thinking of a bookcase, whatever that brings to mind.

The Twelve Signs

The Zodiac has twelve signs and there are accepted descriptors for each sign. Know that because everyone is unique some characteristics will apply while others will not. Generally, though, you can find that there are similarities with the people with each sign.

Each sign has positive and negative traits that you will want to pay attention to as it will affect your design.


Positive Traits: Adventurous, energetic, pioneering, courageous, enthusiastic, confident, dynamic, clever

Negative Traits: Arrogant, stubborn, impulsive, unorganized, undisciplined, confrontational


Positive Traits: Patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, determined, calm, security loving, methodical

Negative Traits: Stubborn, self-indulgent, lazy, greedy, possessive


Positive Traits: Adaptable, versatile, communicative, witty, intellectual, eloquent, youthful, lively, curious

Negative Traits: Lack consistency, superficial, difficulty in making decisions, lack of direction, anxious


Positive Traits: Emotional, loving, intuitive, imaginative, shrewd, cautious, protective, sympathetic

Negative Traits: Moody, pessimistic, clingy, overemotional, suspicious


Positive Traits: Generous, warmhearted, creative, enthusiastic, broad-minded, expansive, faithful, loving, willful, expressive

Negative Traits: Headstrong, egoistic, possessive, dominating, impatient, arrogant


Positive Traits: Modest, shy, meticulous, reliable, practical, diligent, intelligent, analytical, detail-oriented

Negative Traits: Overcritical, fussy, fastidious, harsh, conservative, judgmental


Positive Traits: Intelligent, artistic, day-dreamer, diplomatic, romantic, easygoing, friendly, idealistic, peaceable, strategic

Negative Traits: Superficial, detached, unreliable, lazy, indecisive


Positive Traits: Determined, forceful, emotional, intuitive, powerful, passionate, exciting, magnetic, sensitive, loyal

Negative Traits: Jealous, secretive, resentful, manipulative


Positive Traits: Optimistic, freedom-loving, jovial, good-humored, honest, straightforward, intellectual, philosophical, independent

Negative Traits: Careless, tactless, impatient, inconsistent, overconfident


Positive Traits: Practical, prudent, ambitious, disciplined, patient, careful, humorous, reserved, responsible

Negative Traits: Pessimistic, stubborn, shy


Positive Traits: Friendly, humanitarian, honest, loyal, original, inventive, independent, intellectual, nonconformist, opinionated

Negative Traits: Unpredictable, inconsistent, detached, stubborn, aloof, extremist


Positive Traits: Imaginative, sensitive, compassionate, kind, selfless, unworldly, intuitive, sympathetic, poetic, spiritual

Negative Traits: Escapist, idealistic, over-sensitive, pessimistic, lazy when it doesn't matter to them

So if you're going through all of this information, you're just going to be looking for these common characteristics for the signs and bring that together to help you interpret the Zodiac needs to come up with astrological room decor.

You might want to take all this information down and distill down into a personality profile for them individually their design styles, and then a comprehensive look at the family as a whole, to then take that information and go to the client and see what feels good for them. 

What I've found through my research is that there are typical design styles and colors that resonate with each sign. The traditional archetypes that apply to each sign can give you insight into each sign.

You take all of that information and use it to pull together a common thread.

Using Elements For Astrological Room Decor Styles

You can also you someone's natal chart and simply use the Elemental information within a person's chart to see how you can balance the elements within a home.

The four elements are fire, air, earth, and water.

  • Fire is about passion, energy, power, and creativity.

  • Air is about movement, knowledge, ambition, and intuition.

  • Earth is about stability, dependability, and being grounded.

  • Water is about emotions, fluidity, and healing.

When you look at the natal chart, you can total up each element and see where there may too much fire and not enough water. Then you can use that information to bring in more of the element that seems to be lacking within the home.

For instance, if you find that a family is lacking Fire energy you may then want to add in actual fire via candles or the color red.

Astrological Room Decor Is An Intuitive Process

Remember to keep your common sense with you about this at all times, because it is astrology, and using just these three signs isn't everything to know about a person.

And don't be afraid to listen to your intuition. You will know your clients and get a sense of the parts of their personality that they wish to embrace and the parts that they'd like to minimize. You'll also learn what things they want to bring into their life and things that they would like to change.

You might have a client that needs more of the Fire element in their life but they literally hate the color red. Then you can adapt and figure out a different way to incorporate what you find in their chart into a way that they will love.

It's important to have the conversation with the client after you get your dossier done and keep what resonates and discard what does not resonate so you can come up with astrological room decor that really feels like home for your clients.

If you'd like to dive deeper into this topic and other holistic interior design topics, then check out my course Design That Aligns.

Alycia Wicker. The Society

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Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.


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Alycia Wicker

Alycia Wicker is a sweary, spiritual chick who hearts crystals.

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