How To Figure Out Which Clients Are A Waste Of Time

Running a business can sometimes be like a bad version of “The Dating Game”. Random people sometimes show up asking what seem like really weird questions. Others are not serious at all and want to see if you’ll give them free advice in return for a shot of working on their project.

Well here is the bad news.

There is no way to be totally sure.

Talk with those people that are considering working with you up front. I know, I know – “But this is an online business!” Sorry, Charlie, it does require interaction with people.

I have phone calls –or at least lengthy email discussions – with the vast majority of my clients before we ever have a signed contract. The same will be true for you - 95% of people will not just hit “BUY NOW” on any offer that costs over $100 (and I hope most of your offers are over $100).

I cannot emphasize this enough - come up with your ideal client. This step eliminates a lot of turds from your potential clients. At some point, you may feel desperate for a client – any client! - but they aren’t all good and this can help you stick to your guns when your cash flow gets low.

Write a list of the qualities your ideal client has – here’s what my list would look like if I was still designing:

If you’re my ideal eDesign client…

  • You have an excellent sense of humor.

  • You are an action taker. You’re ready to rock your décor.

  • You are thankful and delighted to work with me.

  • You respect my time and vice versa when working with each other.

  • You actively and without reservation recommend me to your peeps and family because you love the work I do for you.

  • You realize that I am not a mind reader.

  • You pay on time and happily.

  • You allow me to design thinking about a room on the whole, and not one piece at a time.

  • You are open to décor styles you didn’t think you’d like.

  • You love my honesty about your interior and know my opinions are made with love and are going to help you rock the you-know-what out of your décor once we address the things that aren’t rocking.

  • You know that decorating your house doesn’t come cheaply. There are things in life that just cost more and while it’s not my aim to blow your budget, we got to be real about how much things really cost. This leads us to...

  • You must have a budget more than $5000 to spend on your room. If you don’t, you don’t need me.

I know exactly who I want to work with which helps me also know who I don’t want to work with.

To help your ideal clients figure out if they want to work with you, you could offer free consultations with your prospective clients – 15 to 20 minute conversations to see if you’re a good fit for each other.

This takes the pressure off them worrying about giving you money without knowing if you’re the perfect designer for them (especially if you do not have a money back guarantee).

They also get a feel for if you are someone they want to work with. This is a REALLY important step for any business that involves a collaborative process – and pssst? Any business where you’re not just a glorified order taker is a collaborative process.

P.S. As with all clients you currently have, a contract is still essential and one of the most important ways to protect yourself. A Letter of Agreement works, too. And consult a lawyer, because I’m not one. Obviously.

Alycia Wicker The Society

Hola!👋I'm Alycia. I help eDesigners land dream clients + get profitable with smart online marketing methods. Want in on the only membership group that will help you get organized, get visible AF, and get majorly PROFITABLE? Hell yes, you do. Follow me.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.


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Alycia Wicker

Alycia Wicker is a sweary, spiritual chick who hearts crystals.

Getting Paid For eDesign


Finding Your eDesign Specialty + Clients