Interior Design Client Communication Skills

Interior Design client communication can be hard. You walk a fine line between wanting to show off your expert status but also wanting to be approachable (at least I hope you want to be approachable).

If you just want to be an interior design b*tch, I've got nothing for ya. ;)

Back to wanting to have a free-flowing level of interior design client communication. Here's the deal. You and I both know that people are leery of interior designers, to begin with. And then when you throw out your designer speak like a gangsta in Compton throws gang signs, your clients are going to be wondering what you are talking about. Along with secretly wondering if all your special designer speak will cost them more money.

"Oh, Madge, I think a mood board will be just what you need."

Madge scratches her head. You know, maybe Madge isn't on Pinterest and maybe Madge hasn't seen a 'Mood Board' in her entire life.

"Darling Madge, you simply must have me do a floor plan for you so we know if the flow is right."

Madge might assume that you are talking about how to lay the actual floor and some woo-woo sh*t about a karma plan that ends with a side of Feng Shui.

Client Communication instead of Communication Breakdown

A lot of designers use terms that aren't what their clients use (and I do it, too). And I know that a lot of our clients also watch HGTV and have picked up some of the lingo, but I really think that in order to show ourselves in the most "hire-able" light, we need to communicate the way clients understand.

What about...

"Madge, my petite kumquat,  I do think that the best way to figure out what your room needs is for me to draw up all of your furniture and place it in a room layout. When I get all those pieces in place, then I can put together a collage of pictures of all the special pieces I have selected for your room so you can see how all the pieces love one another."

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Tip #1 No Jargon

Don't use designer jargon. Avoid it whenever possible. We aren't trying to make our clients turn into designers.

Tip #2 Goal

Break down the goal of a design service. Interior design client communication can be simplified when you slow down and truly articulate what you are doing.

#3 Kindness

When explaining, don't patronize your clients. They are not dumb, they just aren't designers.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.


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Alycia Wicker

Alycia Wicker is a sweary, spiritual chick who hearts crystals.

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