6 Tips To Create An Interior Designer Logo That Doesn't Blow Chunks

I get it. You're a gifted interior designer so you think you can create your own interior design logo. For 90% of the interior designers who do this, well. It goes horribly wrong. Just sayin'. Look you could make a bum's cardboard box look like a million bucks, but sometimes you get into these graphic design programs and go all crazy.

Let's be real, here are the things you need to stop doing.

Tip #1: 2 Fonts Max, Por Favor

Unless you're damn good at graphic design, stick with 2 fonts, tops. And make them opposite of each other. Like pair a serif and sans-serif. Or handwriting and a serif. Just don't ever use cutesy juvenile fonts. Two words: Comic Sans. Oh don't bullshit me, you thought it was awesome when you first saw it 20 years ago.

Tip #2: Stay Classy, San Diego

Classic will last you a long time. If you go all trendy and use the cool font of the year, next year your logo is gonna be tired like furniture made from pallets. Do we really need to stop with the pallet furniture, mmkay?

Tip #3: Switch It Like Sybil

Remember how Sybil could switch her personality in a hot minute? Yeah, don't do that with your logo. Nike doesn't make a new logo every week (and yes I've been guilty of this, I've been there so I totes get it) so you shouldn't either. Although I am tired of the HGTV logo now. Or is that just me?

Tip #4: Are you low class or high class

Who your ideal audience does have quite a bit to do with your logo. If you want to attract the Pic 'N' Save clients (What?! I'm not calling it Big Lots. I refuse.) keep that logo all cartoony and looking like a box of crayons exploded all over it. If you want those fancy pants clients, make your logo timeless, classy and clear.

Tip #5: KISS

Keep it simple, stupid. That's what my high school drafting teacher told us. He also told us to never buy a Peugeot. A simple logo can be so much stronger than a logo with a bunch of crap going on.

Tip #6: Let It Effing Breathe

Just like in a room, people need room to mingle, walk, and dirty dance. Your logo needs space. Don't squish a bunch of shit into a logo. It will look cluttered and people will think it's a Rorschach Test.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.


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Alycia Wicker

Alycia Wicker is a sweary, spiritual chick who hearts tarot and crystals.


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