12 Ideas To Repurpose Content

After you’ve written a wonderful blog post, do you just set it and forget it?

You can.

Or you can use that content and repurpose it so it can be enjoyed again by people who may not have seen the post the first time around.

I’ve got some ideas for how you can repurpose your blog content and get more eyeballs on your eDesign business.

Create An Ebook From Your Blog Posts

If you’ve written a bunch of blog posts, you may find that you could turn it into an eBook. Mark Cuban did this and turned his blog posts into a book. You may find that you have a ton of gold nugget pieces of advice that someone would benefit from. You’ll want to aim for 10,000 words for this eBook.

Turn Blog Post Into A Content Upgrade

If you have a really popular blog post you should take that as a sign that that content is well-liked. And because it has been put to the test, it will likely be a great content upgrade that you can use to grow your email list.

Create A Podcast Or Videos

If you’d like to dip your toe into podcasting or vlogging, you can use your old blog posts as the outline for your alternative format to share.

Some people aren’t fans of reading and this could be a golden opportunity to get additional eyeballs (or ears) on your content.

Create An Autoresponder Series From A Longer Blog Post

If you’ve been wondering what to put into your autoresponder, try taking a blog post and splitting it up into a five email series of emails that will go out to your subscribers when they sign up for your list.

Re-post Old Post To Social Media

You don’t have to post the entire content of your blog post if it doesn’t make sense for that platform, but you can post a snippet and share a link so someone can come back to your place (your website) to read it.

However with this strategy realize that social media platforms, in general, are not in the business to have their audience leave their platform and send them to yours. Your best course of action could be to create images on Canva for your blog posts and share them on Pinterest which is a great way to increase your visibility.

Share Blog Posts In Newsletter

Every day you get new subscribers to your email list. Most likely they haven’t seen your old blog posts so this makes the task of sending out a newsletter every week way easier when you can get double-duty out of one blog post.

Republish Posts On Another Platform

Medium is a great platform that you can re-share your content to. And by the way, it’s a virtual open highway over there for posts on interior design. I couldn’t find one more recent than in 2018. Hello! It sounds like opportunity knocking to me.

Create An Infographic

Infographics could be something to try. Canva makes it easy to create them.

Imagine how helpful you could be to someone by providing an infographic. Maybe you show them the costs of renovating a home vs. moving or something else. Maybe you show the cost of buying junk furniture vs. quality furniture.

Create An Online Course

If you’ve got a bunch of blog posts around one topic (or maybe this is the perfect time to create that blog post series you’ve been thinking about) then you could use those as the foundation for your online course.

Add An Update

Do you have an old post that you could update? Maybe there’s a post that was related to a trend from one year or you used some figures that are outdated. Whatever you have on your blog that’s not evergreen (evergreen meaning that the topic applies no matter the time it is read).

Add Experts For A Comment On Blog Post Topic And Add Them To The Og Post

This would be a great time to reach out to some of your designer besties and ask them for comment for your old blog post. And then give them some link juice by linking to their blog. And hopefully, they’d like to do the same for you!

Create A Round-up Post Of Your Popular Posts

You could set a reminder on your calendar to do a round-up post once a year or just do it now. It’s great for SEO link juice and to put all of your smart stuff in once place.

Create a round-up post and talk briefly about each of your posts and then link to them making it easy for your peeps to read on.

Whatever you choose to do, know that the interior design blog post that you put so much love and care into doesn’t have to go to waste when you repurpose your content.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.


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Alycia Wicker

Alycia Wicker is a sweary, spiritual chick who hearts crystals.


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