Does Holistic Interior Design Have To Be Spiritual?

The idea of holistic interior design can be many things to many people. I like to think about it like Jazz.

There's the shitty Kenny G cool jazz that you'd hear if you're trapped in a dental office waiting to get a root canal.

Then there's the Bebop jazz that you can imagine having a cocktail with Don Draper, getting a bit tipsy before he takes you back to the bedroo--- oops, before I get into any fantasies.

Then you have Swing Revival Jazz that will have you racing to get back into your 90s clothes and digging out your Squirrel Nut Zippers CD.

That's just three styles of jazz and there are so many more out there to explore. That's how I feel about holistic interior design.

There is a goal of holistic interior design, as I see it:

The holistic interior design approach considers the health of the mind, body, and soul of people as it comes to the process of designing the interior of a building with the goal of achieving and maintaining a state of wellness.

If a home is out of balance, our life will be out of balance.

Holistic interior design is an energy-based practice where the focus is on clearing, balancing, and maintaining the subtle energy field which when the energy field becomes unbalanced can manifest illness in the physical body.

If you want you can then infuse any spiritual angle to it that you want or not. Either way, as I see it, for a home to be in complete balance you must keep the mind, body, and soul in front of mind. Without the soul part, what's the point, right?

So if we seek to find a state a balance and we need to take account of the souls within a home, that's as varied of a bag you'll find.

For as many belief systems you have in the world, you can adapt those to be a part of your own spiritual holistic interior design practice.

For instance, in my holistic interior design course, I created it as I believe holistic interior design to be. Years from now, someone will make their own course with their own beliefs about what they believe holistic interior design to be and that's cool, too.

The biggest component of holistic interior design, in my opinion, is energy.

Feng Shui has been around for eons and with it, you find that the goal is to study how energy in homes affects the mind and body of the people living in the space. Then you adjust the elements of the home to balance the energy.

Is Feng Shui my jam? No, not really.

But there are other ideas that lend themselves to being incorporated into a spiritual, holistic interior design business.


Yep, I tend to believe that there are a certain amount of types of people in the world - archetype categories, that people seem to fall into. I see astrology as one way to distill down those types and use the information to inform how you go about designing and decorating a space.

Color Therapy

Colors affect us. We know there is color psychology and we know there are specific vibrations of colors. Each of those specific color vibrations affects people in different ways. Not to mention the symbolism of colors and how different they are across various cultures.

Color therapy is rooted in the idea that colors generate electrical impulses and fields of energy that are activators of biochemical and hormonal processes in the human body necessary for a state of balance. 

I think that's rather important.

Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry is everywhere – and in all of us. It is the omnipresent unity. 

Sacred geometry involves universal patterns used in the design of everything in our reality with the belief that God is the architect of the world.

This principle of interconnectedness, inseparability, and union provides us with a continuous reminder of our relationship to the whole, a blueprint for the mind to the sacred foundation of all things created.

Just look to the old cathedrals in Europe to see how important it was to them.

Crystals, Of Course

My favorite, crystals are another way to incorporate nature to help combat our constant propensity to fall out of balance. And they are pretty.

But don't let their looks fool you, there's science behind why they work.

Lots of Options

These modalities are just the tip of the iceberg, the sky's the limit because when it comes down to exploring ways to address energy imbalances in the home the way you mish mash-up these ideas is up to you.

Your ultimate goal is to be the guide and help them navigate the energy imbalances in the home - whether the energy comes from the land, the home, or the people inside the home.

Does it have to be spiritual holistic interior design? It's up to you.

But, how do you explain any of these "new" ideas to your clients?

If you find that you need to justify yourself to your clients if you're going in a new direction - that's your major signal that those people are not your clients.

After all of the shit that we've experienced in 2020 - people understand, firstly, that their home is SUPER important to their health. Second, I'd bet you that more people than you know truly understand that energy in the home affects people and the lives that they lead.

People understand vibes - no matter the religion or belief.

We know when we've met someone that is evil. We know when we've met a kindred spirit. We know how to read all sorts of people... and everyone does this. And when you're reading someone, you're simply reading their energy.

How you choose to market it is still up to you.

We're not reinventing the wheel here with holistic interior design. Even if you wanna get woo-woo with it.

You're still doing whatever you do now for your projects. If you want to add an additional layer with one of these ideas, then go you! Because you'll be able to stand out in a saturated eDesign market once you show them your soulful depth.

I'll leave you with this thought. If you think there isn't a market for any of this woo-woo stuff... check out Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop company which is supposedly worth $250 million.

I'm not just throwing spiritual shit up against a wall and hoping it sticks. Check the writing on the wall if you want to see where this is all going.

If you're interested in learning more about these spiritual holistic interior design topics and more, check out my course...

Design That Aligns
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Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.


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Alycia Wicker

Alycia Wicker is a sweary, spiritual chick who hearts crystals.

The Best Crystals For The Home


Ghosts, A Holistic Interior Design Course and The Art of Woo Woo