How To Use Pinterest To Get Interior Design Clients

You Need To Use Pinterest To Get Interior Design Clients. Period.

We all know it's hard to get interior design clients from social media. Especially when it comes to Facebook and Instagram. There's just so much noise there that it's hard to cut through it all. PLUS, it's a big fucking time suck. And if you're like me, you've got a lot of things to do and that's why you'll want to use Pinterest to get interior design clients. 

You need to have a marketing process in place that is constantly working for you so you don't run into those times where you're broker than Tori Spelling. When you put a marketing process in place for your business, you can use Pinterest to get interior design clients practically on autopilot.

Why use Pinterest to get interior design clients?

People on Pinterest are already looking for decorating and design ideas. People on Pinterest want to buy. People on Pinterest have money to spend. People on Pinterest are your people.

By creating fantastic images that catch your dream client's eye you'll be able to attract FREE traffic to your website and get them into your sales funnel.

If a designer creates a design in the woods and no one is around to buy it, do they really have a business? Nope.

You need eyeballs on your business, you'll get their attention on Pinterest and it's your job to nurture the relationship after that by converting them on your website to sign up for your email list and getting them into your funnel.

Side note: the odds of them buying TODAY is slim to none and why you need to market your business all the time.

So before you hop over to Pinterest and start pinning like a meth head. You know, fast and furiously but not thinking about the outcome, you need to do a couple of things first. 

Set Up Your Email List: Do not pass Go, do not collect $200 until you have your email list set up. Set up with a form to collect email addresses. Put THAT form on every page of your website that you're pinning to Pinterest. Or stick it in the footer of every blog post or the footer of your website. Either way, make it visible on every page of your website.

Now that you've got that list set up, create and set up your Freebie to send out to your brand new prospect automatically. Also, set up your email autoresponder series. This way you can nurture your leads on auto-pilot. 

Write Awesome Content: That means you need to stand out. Think like a magazine editor and come up with some outstanding headline that you can use to get attention to your pin (that directs them to your awesome content)

Get A Pinterest Business Account: This will give you access to Pinterest analytics.

Create Pinnable Images: For every blog post, I create I design a Pinterest image that is inserted into the blog post. I use a template and just switch out the text and background image. Keep a consistent look so people can start to visually recognize your brand.

Pin To Your Blog Post or Page: Don't make the mistake and pin to the home page of your website or the general blog page. Make sure you're pinning to a SPECIFIC page or post. If you make a mistake you can always go back and edit the URL of the pin.

Use Keywords: You must use keywords on Pinterest. The visuals will connect with your dream client, but they will be searching using words. Pinterest is a search engine and it's your job to use the right keywords in your profile and in your description of your pin. Don't forget the description, this is most crucial. Hashtags aren't a big deal anymore (in case you care).

Be A Tour Guide: What do you want the person who came to this page of your website to go to next? If it's to sign up for your email list, make it super obvious. If it's to check out your Portfolio, make it super obvious. You're the tour guide to your website and if you don't direct them around your virtual pad, they'll leave like dust in the wind. 

Create Fun Boards: You and your ideal client have something else in common. You're humans who have other interests. Create a few boards that aren't just related to design and decorating. If you're working with clients locally, create a board for attractions near you. If you've got a hobby, create a board around that. When you use Pinterest to get interior design clients to know that they buy the experience of working with YOU. And you are just like them, a cool person.

Consistency Counts: Pin consistently. If you don't use a scheduling service to pin automatically for you (which I highly recommend and talk about one really good one in our Pinterest Potion course inside the Society), then you need to schedule your time to show up every day. Start with 5 pins a day. You don't need to worry about pinning too much anymore because Pinterest has a smart feed now.

Fill Up Your Boards: You need to make sure that you fill up your Pinterest boards so you don't have a board with just a couple of pins on it. Those boards won't get that much action.

Pinterest has been around for a while but a lot of interior designers aren't using it to get big ass amounts of traffic to their websites. This is your opportunity to make Pinterest work for you. Come up with a strategic plan of how you're going to get eyeballs on your virtual pad like:

Write Awesome Blog Post >> Set Up Email List With Autoresponder >> Create Awesome Freebie >> Add Signup Form On Blog Post >> Create Pinnable Image >> Pin Content

Your interior design business needs more people to know about it. When you get more traffic to your website, you need to turn those people into subscribers to your email list. Then you start providing value with your autoresponder emails and newsletters. Then you can make an offer.

But, if you can't enough eyeballs on your business, you're going to have to rely on past clients and referrals. This is great but not every designer has a referral-based design business. By using Pinterest to get interior design clients you're able to market your business in an affordable way (you're spending time, not necessarily money unless you use an additional tool to help your Pinterest pinning efforts).


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Alycia Wicker

Alycia Wicker is a sweary, spiritual chick who hearts tarot and crystals.

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The Epic Guide To Pinterest For Interior Designers