The Quick & Easy Way To Make Mood Boards

Years ago making a mood board was a painful task. I would have to go and save the images of the pieces I would be using in the project to a folder on my computer.

Then I would open up an Excel spreadsheet where I would number each item, document the information for the item along with the HTML link of where I found the item online.

After that, I would go through my image folder and import them into a word document. Then add in the number for each item I specified so it could be cross-referenced on the shopping list.

After that, it was all about exporting and bringing all the items into a document that I said as a PDF I could send to my clients.

Talk about a long and painful process. I’d rather listen to Eileen from the Real Housewives complain about how she deserves an apology from Lisa Vanderpump on repeat.

Now life is sooooo much easier. There are a couple of easy programs that you can use today to make mood boards for your online interior design clients.

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My favorite tool, which if you are looking for an app that can do mood boards and faux elevations all in one, you need to check out Designfiles.

Designfiles allow you to add your own products and add your own affiliate links if you got them.

You can also have conversations with your clients about the project, too. Pretty cool, I think!

mood board designfiles
Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.


Disclaimer: The Blog posts contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will earn a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only recommend products and services that I have found to be helpful and trustworthy. For more information, see my terms + conditions page here. Thanks for your support.

Alycia Wicker

Alycia Wicker is a sweary, spiritual chick who hearts crystals.

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