5 Killer Interior Designer Marketing Strategy Ideas That Work

When you're looking for an interior designer marketing strategy that works, there are bunches of ways to go about it. And make no mistake, your first job as an interior designer is to market your business then it's to be a fabulous interior designer.

Strategy Idea #1

What do you wanna be known for?

Just like we talk about in Designer DNA, you have to be known for something. What is your area of expertise? What's your niche?

If you are the interior designer who designs glamorous home offices for entrepreneurs, then be known for that. If you wanna be known as the interior designer who shops Etsy exclusively to create spaces with a history, then be known for that. Pick something that you want to focus on and get known for that.

Strategy Idea #2

Start having some real conversations.

Pick up the phone or get on Skype and have a chit chat with your dream clients. If you don't have any go find people who'd be interested in working with you and talk to them for 30 minutes. Then you want to listen closely, take notes and figure out what is the emotional reason they hired you. Write down their words (like they feel overwhelmed, depressed, hopeless when it comes to pulling a room together) and use them in your marketing.

Strategy Idea #3

Revise your email opt-in freebie.

Because you're building your email list, you want to make sure that your freebie opt-in goodie fixes a problem your dream client has and relates to your design service. As an example, don't offer a freebie about picking the perfect grey paint color and then not have a paint color consult service to sell your clients at the end of that freebie. Make it the first step in your sales funnel.

Strategy Idea #4

Figure out why.

Write down a list of why you're a better solution than another designer. And not that you're more fabulous, but because you have this niche you're known for (remember interior designer marketing strategy idea #1?) you're going to come up with a list of 5 reasons why your client would hire you. Then use these in your marketing materials, your email and sales conversation with potential clients.

Strategy Idea #5

Create a word bank.

This can be as simple as starting a Google doc and start writing down the things you hear from clients about their problems and pain points. And don't ever stop doing this.

I just want someone to tell me exactly where to put everything or I'm stuck and need help to move forward.

These thought fragments will help you as you collect more and more insight from your clients and translate it into blog posts, headlines for ads, newsletter subject lines and long-tail keywords for your blog posts.

Marketing is so much more than just scheduling posts on social media. It's about getting out there, having conversations and showing up in a way that your clients will be able to choose you right away because you've taken the time to come up with an interior designer marketing strategy that talks directly to them.

If you'd like some more help with crafting an interior designer marketing strategy that works, check out the Society.


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Alycia Wicker

Alycia Wicker is a sweary, spiritual chick who hearts tarot and crystals.


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