Is Blogging Dead?

You and I both know that trying to get traffic to your website from Facebook is difficult. And that's where you have an edge because you can be in total control of getting traffic to your website without having to rely upon the gods at Facebook to bring you traffic.

What has changed with blogging is that storytelling is more important than ever. People connect with people and that is precisely how you will stand out with your blog and social media platforms.

Give Specific Information

Making sure that you have a focus with your blog is key. If you want to get know, pick a topic and become the go-to person for the niche. Which will also tie back into your eDesign business niche.

Picking a niche keeps you focused and allows your audience to know what you're an expert at.

Sally? I love her. She's an AirBNB designer. Kara? She's a kitchen designer. Joan? She's a holistic interior designer.

Then within your blog, you can educate about your niche, why it's important and how you tackle the problems found in this niche with your expertise.

But there’s good news… keep reading.

You Don't Have To Post All The Time

Part of why so many eDesigners hate blogging because it seems like such a never-ending, pain in the ass task.

While you still need between 100 and 400 total blog posts (with an average word count of 1,000+ words) to get consistent traffic to your website, it must be quality content.

Say if you have these blog posts, then you could take it easy and not post so much content because search engines will know what your blog and website are about.

The key with these blog posts that you create should be evergreen (timeless no matter when read) and then you can direct social media posts back to your content that you've created forever and ever without staying in the blogging hamster wheel.

So my advice is to aim to write 200 evergreen blog posts. Then you can hit cruise control when you know that you're getting consistent traffic. If traffic still isn't showing up, then you've got an SEO issue on your hands to address.

Move Into Audio or Visual Content

Many people don't have or make time to read, but that doesn't mean blogging is dead. Certainly you could create a video for social media and have it transcribed for your blog.

But it's also important to read people with other mediums. So even if you're dead set against doing video, you could try doing a podcast.

Blogging Isn't Dead - BUT IT IS IMPORTANT

Your blog helps to make your website an authority on the topic you're so passionate about. Become an expert in your niche and prove it through your blog so when time passes, fly-by-night bloggers and eDesigners leave the scene, you'll be the last one standing.

Blogging, much like other aspects important to growing your business, isn't a get rich quick scheme but a way for you to help your audience in a meaningful way to solve their big problems.

The more that you can help your audience, the more that they will value you.

Hola!👋I'm Alycia. I help eDesigners land dream clients + get profitable with smart online marketing methods. Want in on the only membership group that will help you get organized, get visible AF, and get majorly PROFITABLE? Hell yes, you do. Follow me.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.


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Alycia Wicker

Alycia Wicker is a sweary, spiritual chick who hearts crystals.

Starting An Interior Design Blog in 2021


Building Your eDesign Portfolio