7 Practical Beginner Blog Goals For eDesigners

Goals are everything. Especially when it comes to your blog, because it will help you grow your eDesign business. That's why we're going to go over some practical beginner blog goals to set your sights on.


Getting tons of pageviews is your number one goal for your blog. That means people coming to your blog post and consuming your content.

You can get more pageviews by sharing your blog content on social media and Pinterest. Pinterest will most likely be your best bet at growing your pageviews and if you want a strategy that works join me in the Society for immediate access to the course on just that very topic.

Also, go ahead and install Google Analytics (it's free) to see your growth and other really important information that will help you grow your eDesign business.

Pageview Goal? 3K Pageview Per Month

Passive Income

Passive income is money you make while you're sleeping. This can be affiliate marketing, paid products, ads, etc. Learn more about passive income for interior designers here.

But one of the best ways to make money with your blog is to sign up for an affiliate program. Depending on the affiliate programs you choose (I go over the best ones for interior designers inside the Society, if you want to go deeper on this topic), you will find that as your page views grow, you start to make some money from just adding these links to your blog.

Affiliate Sign Up Goal:? Join 3 Affiliate Programs + Aim For 1ST Affiliate Paycheck

Additional Income Stream

You don't want to rely simply on your one income stream of doing client design work. Think about a long term strategy by also adding a paid product to your business.

As with all offers you create, some will be winners and some will be losers. Business is about constantly figuring out what works for you and your business. A flop isn't horrible because it gives you knowledge that you didn't have before.

Additional Income Goal? $200/month

Build Email List

I've talked about this until I'm blue in the face like here and here and here. It's super important because this is the one audience that has given you permission to get in front of their eyeballs. Make sure you do that when you create new content or have something new to sell.

Email List Goal? 100 Subscribers Per Month


As I previously mentioned, Pinterest is the bomb diggity when it comes to bringing you pageviews. Consider it a visual search engine.

Your ideal client client is already pinning bit and pieces of their dream spaces there and they have the money to hire you.

Pinterest has 88 Million users active monthly on their platform in the United States alone, and 330 Million worldwide. The median age of a Pinterest user is 40, but active pinners are aged below 40. AND if that's not all... HALF of their users earn $150K or more per year.

Pinterest Goal? 75K Average Monthly Viewers On Pinterest

Instagram or Facebook

While I loathe both of these platforms, you may love them. And I know eDesigners love Instagram to share their design projects.

With these platforms, you can pick one or both. I think it's far better to be a master of one platform.

Set up a posting schedule and learn the best practices for that platform as each one is unique even though both are owned by the evil overlord Zuckerfuck.

Instagram or Facebook Page Goal: 1K Followers/Fans

Brand Collab

If you're the biggest fan of a brand, start building a relationship with them. While you may not be paid for a brand collab the exposure that you can gain for your business will be amazing!

Imagine that you're a fan of Benjamin Moore paints (I mean, who isn't?) and you could collab with them to do something where they scratch your back with a goodie and you scratch their back with a shout out. It should be a win-win solution for everyone.

Brand Collab Goal? Work with 1 brand

Blog About Your Portfolio Projects

There's no better or easier piece of content to create than to write a post and share pics of projects from your portfolio.

People love stories, so tell them the story of the project. Where it was, who the clients were (or use aliases if you don't have permission to use your clients names), what the challenge was and how you did it.

You see this strategy on every episode on an HGTV reveal. The camera pans around and you hear the design person talk about what they did and why it works.

If you need help creating your online portfolio, check this post out for more help.

Portfolio Blog Posts? 1 for Every Project

Invest Back Into Your Website

Your website is the KEY to growing your eDesign business. If FB or Insta or Pinterest go away one day, you'll be thanking your lucky stars that you've got a website.

Knowing that your website supports your business, make sure to set aside some money that could go to plugins (if you're on Wordpress) or a new theme or a new tool that schedules your clients or automates a task for your business.

Invest Budget? $30 Per Month

Practical Beginner Blog Goals Vary By Person

You know this, right? While I think these are all wonderful and super practical beginner blog goals, these may not align with your long-term goals.

Maybe some of these goals seem super easy to hit and other seem impossible. What you'll need to do is to document where you are now. And I would suggest that you make this a monthly practice.

Every month, I document my business numbers (hint, there's a course on this too in the Society).

I don't just document my income, but how my website and social media is doing. I know when I've put more effort into one or another and I can see how that worked out (or maybe didn't work out so well).

With that, go out, make goals and challenge yourself. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish!

Alycia Wicker. The Society.

Hola!👋I'm Alycia. I help eDesigners land dream clients + get profitable with smart online marketing methods. Want in on the only membership group that will help you get organized, get visible AF, and get majorly PROFITABLE? Hell yes, you do. Follow me.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.


Disclaimer: The Blog posts contains affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will earn a commission (at no additional cost to you). I only recommend products and services that I have found to be helpful and trustworthy. For more information, see my terms + conditions page here. Thanks for your support.

Alycia Wicker

Alycia Wicker is a sweary, spiritual chick who hearts crystals.


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