Read Their Mind, Open Their Wallet

One of the things that the most successful entrepreneurs know is that when you use the words your clients use, you can open their wallets.

You have a couple of ways to find the phrases and words that your clients use. You can ask them about their problems. You can hang out in forums and see how they talk about their problems. You can go on Amazon and read their reviews they leave.

This is golden information that you can use so that you don’t sound like a robot or a college student writing a boring ass essay that no one wants to read.

The key to your business’s success is that you know how to talk your client’s language.

Imagine if I went to buy a car and the salesperson was telling me all about the engine’s torque and I’m like WTF does that even mean? Do I need torque? Is that an optional upgrade? If he instead explained that torque is the thing that’s gonna help me haul ass and beat anyone on the road, then that’s all I needed to know.

I would never talk about torque with my friends. I would talk about hauling ass.

However, when it comes to using your customer’s phrases to your advantage with SEO (search engine optimization: the phrases people search to find your website) you probably wouldn’t want to use “hauling ass”.

You would want to use a questions like “how to choose a fast car” because (if you were selling cars) that is something your client may search for online.

If you’re selling decorating you might want to use “how to choose the perfect paint color for a bedroom”.

Your goal with putting the content on your website is to answer the questions your prospects are asking and to use the phrases that they use.

Hint: These phrases that they use are the ones they will send to you when you send them your Welcome Email in your autoresponder series asking for their struggles as it relates to what you do.

Sales Funnels

Before we go any further, we need to talk about funnel cakes. Um, no… I mean Sales Funnels. You at some point may have more than one, but right now you need to know what yours looks like, and yes you should have one.

A sales funnel is a map that details how you can improve your chances of making or breaking your revenue goals.

  1. Awareness: Make client aware you exist.

  2. Education: Show client why they need you to solve their problem.

  3. Evaluation: Client determines if hiring you is the right choice.

  4. Engage: Nudge clients into buying.

  5. Sale: Client committed to you.

Your basic sales funnel could look like this:

Blog Post >>> Email List >>> Low End Offer >>> Mid-Priced Offer >>> High Priced Offer

You need to get people moving through your funnel. Some people will follow each step of your funnel, some may skip a step, but most people need to be wooed by you before they give you a dime.

As you start to grow and market your business think about how your sales funnel should look and how you can promote your offers to the right person at the right time.

Alycia Wicker. The Society.

Hola!👋I'm Alycia. I help eDesigners land dream clients + get profitable with smart online marketing methods. Want in on the only membership group that will help you get organized, get visible AF, and get majorly PROFITABLE? Hell yes, you do. Follow me.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.

Hola! I'm Alycia Wicker and I help online interior designers grow their business.


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Alycia Wicker

Alycia Wicker is a sweary, spiritual chick who hearts crystals.

Building Your eDesign Portfolio


Getting Paid For eDesign